Many people know they want to achieve a flat, contoured abdomen, but aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to pursuing a surgical solution. Fat reduction may seem like a clear choice, but the decision whether to add on a skin tightening procedure can be a puzzling one. Both [link pid=”489″]liposuction[/link] and [link pid=”491″]tummy tuck[/link] procedures here in Washington, DC, can create attractive results when performed on the right candidates.
Read on to learn more about what each procedure can achieve and why combining the 2 may be the most effective approach.
If fat deposits are your main concern and your skin is fairly elastic, liposuction on its own is likely your best solution. Prime candidates are close to their ideal body weight and have stubborn fat pockets they need help addressing. While liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, it can significantly improve contouring and create a slimmer appearance.
It’s important to note that liposuction doesn’t address loose skin. If you have experienced pregnancy or weight loss, it’s likely that excess skin is keeping your tummy from looking as slim and smooth as you would prefer. To remove this excess skin, we may opt to perform a tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck
After pregnancy or significant weight loss, the skin on your abdomen may become loose or excessive. You may also experience a condition called diastasis recti, which is a separation and weakening of the abdominal muscles. This often results in the abdomen protruding slightly, which can be mistaken for excess fat.
A tummy tuck can repair these muscles, if necessary. It can also create a flatter, firmer midsection by removing excess skin and smoothing out the remaining tissue. This tends to have a slimming effect, although fat removal is not the main goal of the procedure.
Combining Procedures
Liposuction is often performed as part of a tummy tuck procedure to achieve optimal contouring. When liposuction is used on the abdomen and waist in combination with a tummy tuck, it helps achieve a more dramatic, comprehensive transformation that addresses both skin and fat-related concerns in just 1 surgery.
When these procedures are combined with breast enhancement, it’s often referred to as a [link pid=”21805″]mommy makeover[/link].
Making the Choice
There are many ways to determine which approach is right for you. You can start by looking at before-and-after photos to find examples of previous patients with similar concerns. We invite you to visit our tummy tuck and liposuction galleries to see examples of each procedure’s results.
Working with an experienced plastic surgeon is essential. A skilled surgeon will be able to provide you with insightful recommendations related to your unique goals. The conversation begins with a personal consultation, at which time your surgeon will examine your body and discuss your hopes and concerns with you. He or she will then make suggestions as to which path will be most helpful to you.
If you would like to request a consultation for a tummy tuck or liposuction procedure here in Washington, DC, please [link pid=”238″]contact us[/link] online or call (877) 427-7888.