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Take Your “Dad Bod” to the Next Level with a Daddy Do-Over

Posted June 12, 2015 in Facelift, Liposuction, Medical Spa, Plastic Surgery for Men | 5 Minute Read

Father’s Day 2015 is almost here. Maybe you’ll start the morning with a heaping pancake breakfast with your kiddo and splurge on a night out with your partner. But if you’re feeling uncomfortable with a waist that’s getting larger or a face that’s gone from handsome to haggard, it may be time to treat yourself in a different way.

Do I Have a Dad Bod?

Does your diet consist mostly of chicken fingers and ketchup? Do you wonder if your bathing suit shrunk over the winter, even though you never put it in the wash? If so, chances are you’re developing a “dad bod.”

Guys with dad bods are usually middle aged and pretty healthy—with a few extra pounds around the middle and chest. Some women are attracted to dad bods because they like guys with a more relaxed shape and easygoing approach to balancing health with fun. But that same body can feel unattractive to guys who enjoyed a fit and toned look before kids came along—and it doesn’t take much for the dad bod to start tipping the scales toward being unhealthy.

How Did This Happen to Me?

For dads, there are two things at play: the natural aging process and certain factors that come with the parenting territory.

Weight Gain & Loss of Muscle Definition

Aging: Getting older means that your body changes the way it stores fat. You may struggle to tone your muscles or lose extra flab around your waist, even if you follow a regular exercise routine. This is due to a number of factors:

  • A slower metabolism means you aren’t processing those 6 slices of pizza the way you once were
  • Natural reduction in testosterone can cause weight gain, muscle wasting, and fatigue
  • The diet and exercise routine that once worked may not withstand the aforementioned changes

While increasing exercise and altering your diet can help, it’s difficult to restore your once trim and tone body.

Dad bonus: A changing schedule often means less time for personal fitness—skipping the gym is sometimes necessary now that you have kids at home who need you.

It’s likely that your eating habits have changed as well, as more and more packets of cheese crackers or fruit snacks appear in the cupboard to appease a picky child. While your 22-year-old body may have handled these small diet changes without much ado, your slower metabolism isn’t a fan.

Wrinkles, Jowls, & Sagging Skin, Oh My!

Aging: While fat seems to be accumulating where you don’t want it, it’s also going away from where you need it most. Loss of volume in the face, combined with sun damage and fine lines, can lead to “drooping” features and a prematurely aged appearance. This not only makes you look and feel old, it can also cause men to look tired or even angry.

Dad bonus: Being a parent is an incredibly rewarding experience, but the stress of raising kids can also take a toll on your face. Fine lines and wrinkles are common during the aging process, but late night feedings and the stress of toddler temper tantrums can make your face look older than it really is.

What’s a Daddy Do-Over & How Can it Help?

Maybe you’ve heard of a mommy makeover, a series of surgical and nonsurgical procedures and treatments designed to help moms restore their pre-baby body. It’s a way to celebrate their journey into parenthood while honoring the body that got them there.

The daddy do-over is the male equivalent, designed to help fathers address unwelcome changes that come with aging and parenthood. A daddy do-over can include a variety of body contouring and anti-aging procedures, with a treatment plan that’s fully customized to your needs.

Common daddy do-over procedures and treatments include:

  • Male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery) to reduce excess tissue on the chest and restore a more masculine appearance
  • Liposuction to remove stubborn deposits of fat around the abdomen, back, and under the chin
  • A male tummy tuck (they’re not just for women!) to tighten abdominal skin and better highlight abs
  • BOTOX® injections to smooth wrinkles in the upper face and reduce the appearance of a heavy brow
  • Facelift surgery to restore a sharp, sculpted appearance to the jawline and neck, and reduce deeper creases in the lower face.

Your daddy do-over can combine any of the above and more! Nonsurgical treatments, such as CoolSculpting or laser treatments, are a great way to see improvements with little downtime.

Whip Your Dad Bod Into Shape

A first step to looking as young and fit as you feel is to seek out a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. Here at CPS, we can help you create a treatment plan that works with your busy schedule. Our consultations are complimentary and are a great way to ask questions. Let us help you boost your dad bod so you can look great, feel your best, and concentrate on being a dad.

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